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Thursday, February 21, 2013

וואי איזה סיפור מדהים של רב מקובל !! Reincarnation Shar Yosef (Not for Beginners)

1)Intro To Reincarnation Shar Yosef (Not for Beginners)-These are stories from the book called Shar Yosef. THIS NOT FOR BEGINNERS!2)Shar Yosef Rabbi Yosef Shani "Reincarnation Stories" (1st)-These are stories from the book called Shar Yosef. THIS NOT FOR BEGINNERS!3)Why do bad things happen to good people? Reincarnation 2nd story-These are stories from the book "Shar Yosef." This explains why sometimes people go through certain situations.4)I.R.S. Situation problem (Stories of Shar Yosef)-Here is another story from Shar Yosef. This time it has to do with a problem created in the person´s lifetime and not previous life.

וואי איזה סיפור מדהים של רב מקובל !!